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Other Australian Visas

Other Australian Visas

Australia offers a variety of different types of visas for other purposes and we can certainly provide you our professional help to navigate you through the complex visa application processes for the following most popular visa types for Business, Partner, Family and Visitor visa categories:

  • Business / Entrepreneur Visas
  • Australian Partner Visas
  • Parent visass
  • Partner visas

Business/Entrepreneur Visas

Establish a business in Australia or move your existing business to Australia for temporary or permanent residency

Australia offers a variety of visas for entrepreneurs, investors and business owners. These visas can provide temporary or permanent residency, with eligibility based on your business investment in Australia.

If you’re a business owner or seeking to start a business in Australia, contact us for more information about the advantages of these special visas.

Australian Partner Visas

Visas for couples based on marriage, long term de facto relationship, or prospective marriage (fiance)

There are three general types of Partner visas that allow Australian citizens, permanent residents or eligible New Zealand citizens to sponsor a spouse, fiancé, or de facto partner to migrate to Australia for permanent residency

Partner Visa – Spouse

These visas allow an Australian citizen or permanent resident who is married to sponsor his or her spouse for permanent residency in Australia. We can work with you to create a submission package to accompany your visa application that will provide the strongest support for your spouse visa

Partner Visa – De Facto

A De Facto relationship is a long-term relationship between two people not related to each other who are not married, but live in a similar manner as married people do, and have a mutually exclusive relationship with each other. The two people can be of the same sex or of different sexes. We will work with you to create a strong and compelling documentation and submission package to accompany your visa application in order to minimize any issues with DIBP regarding your relationship.

Prospective Marriage (Fiance) Visa

The Prospective Marriage (Fiance) visa is a temporary visa that allows an applicant who is outside Australia to travel to Australia to marry their partner and we will help you to provide professional immigration advice in regard to your partner visa application.

Visas for family members to visit Australia or move to Australia permanently

Australia provides a number of different ways for people to sponsor family members for permanent residency in Australia. The primary areas of family sponsorship include:

Parent Visas

These visas are available to parents of Australian citizens, permanent residents and eligible New Zealand residents living in Australia. The Parent must meet the “Balance of Family” test, which requires that the number of children of that parent who live permanently in Australia must be greater than the number of children who live outside Australia, or must be greater than the number of children who live outside Australia in any single country. Also, the sponsoring child must have been resident in Australia for at least 2 years, which is referred to as being “settled” in Australia

We can help you to prepare and apply following types of Parent Visas

  • Parent
  • Contributory Parent
  • Aged Parent

Remaining Relative Visa

These visas are available to a person whose entire family, including the family of the person’s spouse, has already moved to and resides in Australia. The visa applicant must have no brothers, sisters, or parents living outside Australia.

Aged Dependent Relative Visa

This type of visa is designed to assist an older person who is single and is financially dependent on an Australia citizen or permanent resident for support.

Australian Visitor and Tourist Visas

Visas for travel to Australia for tourism and recreation

Australia is one of the most popular tourism spots in the world, and Australia has put in place a visa system for tourists and visitors to encourage visitors to Australia to come and enjoy the country.

Depending on where you are coming from and other factors, you may apply for an Australian visitor visa either electronically or via application.

Additional Immigration Services

Administrative Appeal Tribunal (AAT) Review

For visa refusals, we can prepare and submit your case to the Administrative Appeal Tribunal for a second chance to get your visa.

Ministerial Intervention

If your visa application is refused and you are unsuccessful at the MRT or RRT, we can prepare and file a special appeal on your behalf to the Minister for Immigration and Citizenship.

Australian Citizenship

We can prepare and submit your complete application package to obtain Australian citizenship.

To start the process of your migration to Australia and see, if you qualify for this visa or other visas, schedule your private consultation with a Registered Migration Agent today by Skype, phone, or at our office in Sydney.