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Australian Work Visas

Australian Work visas

Employees in Australia are protected by similar rights in the workplace as in the UK and USA. No employee should be subject to unfair treatment or poor working conditions and there are government channels to go through should you need to lodge a complaint.

The Fair Work Ombudsman is a government service designed to explain all the basic rights an employee is entitled to as well as the conditions an employer needs to provide.

While the benefits and entitlements can vary from job to job, the National Employment Standards (NES) includes 10 basic entitlements for all permanent employees:

  • Maximum weekly hours of work
  • Requests for flexible working arrangements
  • Parental leave and related entitlements
  • Annual leave
  • Personal, or carer’s, leave and compassionate leave
  • Community service leave
  • Long service leave
  • Public holidays
  • Notice of termination and redundancy pay
  • Provision of a Fair Work Information Statement

Minimum Wage

Like the UK and US, Australia has a minimum wage policy to ensure workers cannot be exploited and to prevent undercutting.

The current national minimum wage is AU$15.96 per hour (£10.36) or AU$606.40 per week (£393.69). However, this rate can differ depending on the employee’s wage and status.

To start the process of your migration to Australia and see, if you qualify for this visa or other visas, schedule your private consultation with an Australian Qualified Registered Migration Agent today by Skype, phone, email or at our office in Sydney.

Australian Employer Sponsored Work Visas (457,186 etc.)

Employer sponsored Australia visas for temporary or permanent residency in Australia based on your job

Australian laws provide a number of ways that businesses and organizations can sponsor employees to come to Australia to work on either a temporary or permanent basis.

We offer you complete application preparation package for Employer Sponsored Visa applications that includes preparation / lodgement/ management of Employer sponsorship / nomination as well as your Skills Assessment and visa applications.

Employer Sponsored Visas category includes following most popular visa types:


This visa is among the most popular visas used for employment in Australia, and allows qualifying sponsoring businesses to sponsor an employee for a visa for up to 4 years. Extensions to this visa are possible.

We can help you and your employer to navigate the requirements by streamlining the process of sponsorship, nomination and visa application using our professional immigration consulting services.

As a complete package, we offer to help with:

  • Standard Business Sponsorship (SBS) application (first application for 457 visa program and we will prepare and lodge this application on behalf of the business / employer.
  • SBS Nomination application (second application by the business / employer to nominate a position to be filled by a 457visa applicant).
  • 457 Visa Application (Once a business has been approved as a sponsor and has nominated a position to be filled, the visa applicant then applies for the 457 visa, provided applicant possesses the required skills / qualification and fulfil other criteria.


The Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) permanent resident visa is a permanent visa for Australian workers that are sponsored by an employer and are less than 50 years of age. The most common pathway for obtaining this visa is by working first for an Australian employer under a 457 temporary visa for minimum 2 years and then applying for the ENS permanent visa.

There are two primary pathways that can be used to obtain this visa:

ENS Direct Entry Pathway

This pathway is designed for people who are sponsored by an employer but have not worked for 2 years under a 457 visa for the sponsoring employer. The primary requirements include:

  • Score at least 6 in each band of the IELTS English language test
  • Have a positive Australian skills assessment and three years full time work experience
  • Occupation listed on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List

ENS Temporary Residence Pathway

This pathway is designed for people who have worked for 2 or more years under a 457 visa for the sponsoring employer and are less than 50 years of age. The primary requirements include:

Score at least 5 in each band of the IELTS English language test

  • Two years work experience under a 457 visa with the sponsoring employer
  • Occupation listed on the Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List
  • Occupation should match or closely align with the occupation of the 457 visa

These are the primary requirements – we can discuss any additional requirements and exemptions that may apply to your specific case, including the Labour Agreement pathway if you are working under this type of visa.

The sponsoring employer requirements include meeting certain training benchmarks, offering the position to the sponsored employee for at least three years, and other standard sponsorship requirements.


The Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) permanent resident visa is a permanent visa for skilled workers who are under 50 years age and sponsored by an employer to work in a specified regional area of Australia. Job positions nominated by an employer must be approved by a Regional Certifying Body (RCB) which is an organization typically set up by one or more jurisdictions in an area to help promote hiring and economic success in regional areas. There are pathways for obtaining this visa by direct application, or working first for an Australian employer under a 457 temporary visa and then applying for the RSMS permanent visa.

There are two primary pathways that can be used to obtain this visa:

RSMS Direct Entry Pathway

This pathway is designed for people who are sponsored by an employer but have not worked for 2 years under a 457 visa for the sponsoring employer. The primary requirements include:

  • Score at least 6 in each band of the IELTS English language test.
  • Have a relevant Australian educational qualification of diploma or above (or overseas equivalent) unless exempt.
  • Occupation listed as ANZSCO skill level 1, 2 or 3.
  • If occupation is ANZSCO skill level 3 with an overseas educational qualification, skills assessment may be necessary.

RSMS Temporary Residence Pathway

This pathway is designed for people who have worked for 2 or more years under a 457 visa for the sponsoring employer. The primary requirements include:

  • Score at least 5 in each band of the IELTS English language test
  • Two years’ work experience under a 457 visa with the sponsoring employer
  • Occupation must match or closely match applicant’s 457 visa occupation

To start the process of your migration to Australia and see if you qualify for this visa or other visas, schedule your private consultation with a Registered Migration Agent today by Skype, phone, or at our offices in Sydney.